The oxygen bar is a free-standing bar which people sit or stand at to breathe over 90% pure oxygen and aromatherapy from a disposable nasal cannula (nose hose.) These modular bars can service anywhere from one to 18 people simultaneously, and they are usually manned by one or two bartender/technicians also known as “oxy-baristas.”

The oxygen is not kept under pressure nor is it administered from a tank. If anyone offers this service to you in the U.S., they are breaking the law because it would then be considered medical oxygen. Our oxygen is produced by oxygen concentrators (generators) which take the ambient air that we breathe everyday and separates the nitrogen from this ambient air with a molecular filter. Most of the nitrogen is expelled during this cycle and the oxygen is concentrated and pushed out of the machine through a tube which is attached to the Aromarizer, which sits on top of the bar. It is there that the bartender/technician controls the flow of the oxygen to the individual bottles that hold water and the all-natural, essential, therapeutic-grade aromas. In turn, the bottles bubble when turned on and oxygen is forced into the bottle which has another open ended tube on it. Nasal cannulas are connected to that tube while the user breathes normally.
*Note: Oxygen is a very dry gas and needs to be “humidified” and this is one of the two reasons why it is passed through the water. The other reason is to have it pick up the pleasant scent.
Visitors to the bar can normally choose from 12 of these different scents and switch to any of them at any given time during their session. For optimum benefits, a session at the bar should last from 10 to 15 minutes. When at a Trade Show or Convention, a 2 to 5 minute session is more desirable in order to keep the flow of people moving. Bar patrons can choose from our most popular flavors which are Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass, Vanilla, Cherry, Spearmint, Orange, Almond, Cinnamon and Wintergreen. All that is needed at the event location is a standard 110V 60HZ outlet and a 7′ by 4′ area (without bar stools) or an 8′ by 8′ area with bar stools.
*Note: Stools are discretionary and are left up to the decision of the client. It is customary for a stool to be left behind the bar for the bartender/technician to sit on.