
We partner with industry leading manufacturer of oxygen bar equipment and are constantly looking for latest technology to provide reliable, sophisticate and safe equipment for our clients. Our concentrators are the quietest and most powerful oxygen generating system sold for oxygen bars today. They outperform our competitors by putting out 33% more flow and up to 96% oxygen! 

Aromarizer-6 Deluxe

There are many names used to describe this piece of equipment that holds the bottles which hold the water and the “flavors.” Most oxygen bar companies call these units “diffusers” and some call them “infusers.” But we call ours “Aromarizers”. Our Aromarizer-6 Deluxe holds 6 separate bottles that can serve up to six patrons simultaneously.  With the equipment controls in the hands of the bar operator, who can control the “flow power” to the oxygen bar user. This design is unique comparing to our competitors. Our frosted plastic bottles are easily reusable, more aesthetically pleasing, and easier to keep clean leaving no aroma residue so we are the only company adding essential oils to give customers many choices of flavor smells.

Dream Table / Bar

The Dream Table is a real “people magnet” that will grab anyone’s attention within eye-shot of it! The “Dream Table/Bar is the most lightweight and portable bar units sold today! Perfect for oxygen bars and trade shows, this modular table/bar weighs in at about 50 lbs. and the shipping case measures 41″x30″x9”. This marvel of modern engineering comes stock with white panels, or, you can customize your “Dream Table” with your own design and/or logo. The table/bar can be lit up white, or any color by using the LED wireless remote control.

Essential Oil - "Flavored Oxygen"

When system is in action, oxygen flows directly to the Aromarizer, which has about two inches of water with 8 to 12 drops of our all-natural and therapeutic aromas in them. The oxygen flows through each bottle’s water and aroma mixture giving the oxygen its “flavor.” The flow of oxygen (or air) to each bottle is controlled by the blue “control valves” on the rear of the Aromarizer unit. Most oxygen bar companies do not use essential oils. We strongly recommend not to use artificially colored food grade aroma liquids, or powdered aromas! Even though they are considered “oxygen safe”, they are inferior in quality compared to the essential oil we use, simply because their cheap and clear plastic bottles will interact with any oil based liquid.

Enjoy and Relax

This is how it looks in real life. Just enjoy and relax, we do it all to bring the experience to you and your customers.

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